Welcome to the Eight Edition of Home Planet News Online.
Home Planet New was founded by Donald Lev and Enid Dame back in the seventies. After sixty-eight printed issues the magazine went online. Although both poets have died, Donald passing in 2018, the magazine continues to be guided by their example and opens its wide doors to good writing and writers of poetry and prose, and to some of the finest contemporary visual artists.
I am editor-in-chief Frank Murphy, and along with Myrna Nieves, our Hispanic editor, I am pleased to welcome this month's Feature Writers and Artists, Seven Hispanic Poets writing in Spanish with, in most cases, English translations, and six Hispanic Artist. This has been a dream of mine inspired in great part by my memory of reading, enjoying, and learning from the great magazine, El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn, a quarterly bilingual arts and literature magazine edited by American poet Margaret Randall and Mexican poet Sergio Mondragón. This would not be possible without the help, commitment, and patients of our new Hispanic editor Myrna Nieves. If this attempt at a bilingual section is at all successful, it is because of her tireless patient work.
Welcome to poets and writers: Yarisa Colón Torres,
Maria Mar,
Madeline Millán,
Julio Marzán,
Linda Morales Caballero,
Nicolás Linares,
Myrna Nieves.
And welcome to artist: Zaadia Colón,
Elsie Deliz,
Rafael Colón Morales,
Nitza Tufiño,
Minerva González-Suvidad,
and George Zavala.
It’s been a hell of a year, a dangerous year, a year when reality for almost half the country was an unwelcome guest. As I watched the Second Impeachment of Trump, I kept thinking of Stephen Benet’s story, The Devil and Daniel Webster; I kept thinking, “This time the devil is going to win.” He did. And the truth is that no one knows what the hell to do about it.
It shouldn’t be surprising that in this issue there are poems concerning Covid, and poems about Trump, or at least the political situation we find ourselves in. We even have another play about Trump,
Mathew Paris’ play, Trump and the Pandemics
I want to give a particular thanks to our proof reading editor Jackie Coleman-Fried. She has worked tirelessly, and through emotionally difficult times, to proofread this magazine as it was being created. And then our other editors went through the magazine again. If there are any mistakes left in the magazine, they are due to me. I am also the computer editor, and as such am responsible for a magazine as free from error as possible.
If you find any mistakes please let us know using this email:
homeplanetnews@outlook.com. This is also the email for submissions. No PDF's. Please send submissions as attached Word or Page document
The bios of the Hispanic Poets and Hispanic Writers can be found by clicking this link: Hispanic Poets, and the bios of the Hispanic Artist can be found at this link: Hispanic Artists,
As you read this issue you will come across this symbol,
Click on it to see the poem in larger print and on a separate page.
Finally, an apology to our contributors for the lateness of this issue. Home Planet News tries to get each issue out in a timely fashion; however, things do pop up sometimes to delay us. We will begin taking work for Issue 9 on April 15th, 2021.